Source code for boa.interop.Neo.Header

class Header:

    def getmyhash(self):
        return GetHash(self)

    def Index(self):
        return GetIndex(self)

    def Hash(self):

        return GetHash(self)

    def Timestamp(self):

        return GetTimestamp(self)

    def Version(self):

        return GetVersion(self)

    def PrevHash(self):

        return GetPrevHash(self)

    def MerkleRoot(self):

        return GetMerkleRoot(self)

    def ConsensusData(self):

        return GetConsensusData(self)

    def NextConsensus(self):

        return GetNextConsensus(self)

[docs]def GetIndex(header): """ Returns the height/index of a header """ pass
[docs]def GetHash(header): """ gets the hash of the header """ pass
[docs]def GetVersion(header): """ gets the version of the header """ pass
[docs]def GetPrevHash(header): """ gets the hash of the previous header in the blockchain """ pass
[docs]def GetMerkleRoot(header): """ gets the merkle root of the transactions contained in the block """ pass
[docs]def GetTimestamp(header): """ gets the timestamp of when the header was created """ pass
[docs]def GetConsensusData(header): """ gets the address of the consensus """ pass
[docs]def GetNextConsensus(header): """ gets the address where the next consensus will occur """ pass