[Interop] Execution Engine

The items below are used for gathering reference about the current execution of the Neo Virtual Machine. Because all items below are implemented in the Neo Virtual Machine, their source is not available here. Please see the neo-python project if you want to know more about their exact implementation.



Get the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which began execution of the current script.

  • Note: This method is implemented inside the Neo Virtual Machine.
Returns:the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which began execution of the current script
Return type:bytearray

Get the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which began execution of the smart contract.

  • Note: This method is implemented inside the Neo Virtual Machine.
Returns:the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which began execution of the smart contract
Return type:bytearray

Get the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which is currently being executed

  • Note: This method is implemented inside the Neo Virtual Machine.
Returns:the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which is currently being executed
Return type:bytearray

Return the current Script Container of a smart contract execution. This will be a boa.blockchain.vm.Neo.Transaction object.

  • Note: This method is implemented inside the Neo Virtual Machine.
Returns:the current ScriptContainer of a smart contract execution.
Return type:boa.blockchain.vm.Neo.Transaction