Source code for boa.compiler

import os
from boa.code.module import Module

[docs]class Compiler(object): """ The main compiler interface class. The following loads a python file, compiles it to the `.avm` format and saves it alongside the python file. .. code-block:: python from boa.compiler import Compiler Compiler.load_and_save('path/to/your/') # return the compiler object for inspection compiler = Compiler.load('path/to/your/') # retrieve the default module for inpection default_module = compiler.default # retreive the default/entry method for the smart contract entry_method = default_module.main """ __instance = None entry_module = None nep8 = True
[docs] @staticmethod def instance(): """ Retrieve the current instance of the Compiler object, if it exists, or create one. :return: the singleton instance of the Compiler object """ if not Compiler.__instance: Compiler.__instance = Compiler() return Compiler.__instance
@property def default(self): """ Retrieve the default or 'entry' module. :return: the default `boa.code.Module` object or None upon exception """ return self.entry_module
[docs] @staticmethod def write_file(data, path): """ Save the output data to the file system at the specified path. :param data: a byte string of data to write to disk :param path: the path to write the file to """ with open(path, 'wb+') as out_file: out_file.write(data)
[docs] def write(self): """ Write the default module to a byte string. :return: the compiled Python program as a byte string :rtype: bytes """ out_bytes = bytes(self.entry_module.write()) return out_bytes
[docs] @staticmethod def load_and_save(path, output_path=None, use_nep8=True): """ Call `load_and_save` to load a Python file to be compiled to the .avm format and save the result. By default, the resultant .avm file is saved along side the source file. :param path: The path of the Python file to compile :param output_path: Optional path to save the compiled `.avm` file :return: the instance of the compiler The following returns the compiler object for inspection .. code-block:: python from boa.compiler import Compiler Compiler.load_and_save('path/to/your/') """ compiler = Compiler.load(os.path.abspath(path), use_nep8=use_nep8) data = compiler.write() if output_path is None: fullpath = os.path.realpath(path) path, filename = os.path.split(fullpath) newfilename = filename.replace('.py', '.avm') output_path = '%s/%s' % (path, newfilename) Compiler.write_file(data, output_path) compiler.entry_module.export_debug(output_path) compiler.entry_module.export_abi_json(output_path) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def load(path, use_nep8=True): """ Call `load` to load a Python file to be compiled but not to write to .avm :param path: the path of the Python file to compile :return: The instance of the compiler The following returns the compiler object for inspection. .. code-block:: python from boa.compiler import Compiler compiler = Compiler.load('path/to/your/') """ Compiler.__instance = None compiler = Compiler.instance() compiler.nep8 = use_nep8 compiler.entry_module = Module(path) return compiler